
...I dunno, just putting some random art here.

All of this can either be original content, or traced or edited based from other works. This stuff is differenciated.

I don't wanna pretend I am a real artist or anything, I just do a bunch of stuff of many kinds, it's purely mood based and I say as long as I had fun, it's worth it. Just don't be a scam, just admit where the base is from.

When it comes to Yakumono, my original character, you can find more Yakumono OC art here.

For more information on each image, you can click on any image to have additional details.


I made a font when I was making Yakumono, just for fun. 0123456789

Windows Paint

Kirby Kirby

Pixel Art

Original Icons

Custom made website icons Artwork Icon Joy of Glitching Icon Game Log Icon Random Links Icon Portfolio Icon ROM Chip Icon Social Media Icon Yakumono Icon Game Processor RAM Cassette I Mario Artist Page Icon 64DD Disk Icon (Gray) 64DD Disk Icon (Blue)

Original Works

Flashback Beach Flashback

Traces & Edits

Admittedly, there's a lot of stuff based from Roll.EXE from Mega Man Battle Network art. I'm not gonna pretend otherwise, she just represents an ideal style that I just really like, but I definitely used to be very obsessive in a younger age. But when I look at these as I get reminded of my cringe moments from way back then, I still think they weren't terrible work overall. Mega Man Battle Network in general is really just a style I look up to a lot.

Yakumono Icon Yakumono Icon (Front) Roll.EXE Icon Roll.EXE (Inkling) Icon Celia Icon Celia (Mipha) Icon Latias Icon Latias (Pink) Icon
Roll.EXE (Inkling) Celia / Seria Celia / Seria but with Mipha inspired changes. Roll.EXE pixel art based from Rockman.EXE Stream Ending art Roll.EXE Battle Sprite Hi-Res Roll.EXE Battle Sprite Custom Standing Pose 1 Roll.EXE Battle Sprite Custom Standing Pose 2 Roll.EXE Overworld Star Force style