
Yakumono is my OC (Original Character). It's not like, meant for any game or anything, just an OC to represent me on the Internet.

Just to say, I'm not really that good at drawing, so a lot of my work involves more like sprite editing instead. So if something looks more like something else, that's normal. I mostly took more time trying to do the character design.

It's a Mage Robot because it doesn't have to make sense, and since it's a mashup of Magolor, a very cute mage from the Kirby series, and Roll.EXE, from Mega Man Battle Network, who is not really a robot but it's close enough, hence the whole Mage Robot thing.
There's no lore about this character otherwise, because I don't really want to make a canon. I do have ideas, but none of these ideas are meant to be anything big. Basically, since the character is supposed to be a mood, it feels best not to stick to anything definitive beyond what it looks like.

The entire point was definitely to make a character with a bodysuit (because I like that lol), and it had to be something I like, and something I wouldn't mind other people to see me as. After many attempts, in around March 2021, I opted for a mashup of character designs, with some little changes done purely to fit my own tastes even more. The first version was purely using Roll.EXE bodysuit initially. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that it needed to be different, which also took several attempts at making a suit design that worked for me. I finalized the character design in late October 2021, with a "mostly" copyright free design.

The scarf is like an equivalent of hair because I felt it was cuter, and the cloak added a wizard feel that I liked, though the design was a process that took a while to make sense of it in an attempt to make it cute and cool at the same time, while avoiding to look sexy or suggestive which in all fairness, for a character with a bodysuit that leaves its body silhouette quite clear, it is pretty hard to do that...

But I enjoy what I got so far, and many other people also enjoy it, so I'm very happy about it.


Reference Sheet

Yakumono Reference Sheet

Main Art

Yakumono, hidden in the cloak. Yakumono with a hand out of the cloak. Yakumono without the cloak. Shaded front view of Yakumono without cloak and scarf. Mugshots of Yakumono.

Rejected / Experimental Main Suit Designs

Attempts at sort of making the main suit a little more complex visually, but none of them felt appropriate to me.
The dress versions were just experiments to see how it could look, and while none of these designs look bad, it felt unfitting for the character I was making.
Some of these ideas were used for the alternate designs, but these attempts were made for the main suit design at first.

Since the character is supposed to represent me, it also meant that I took special care in experimenting ideas to emphasize the cute side of it,and that means there's nothing truer than my own feelings about it, whether it was logical or completely out of left field.

Rejected / Experimental suit designs for Yakumono

Alternate Designs

The point of Yakumono is like... I like not being stuck to a single design scheme and want to change completely based on mood.
Some of these are made completely on a whim just on a random idea I had sometimes based on other designs or my inspirations, or obsessions of the moment.
That said, the main Pink Heart suit design and color scheme seen above is the main one, and still my favorite design so far.

Pink Heart Design Halloween Design Aqua Design Leaf Design Fire Design Famicom Design Celia Design Mipha Design Latias Design (Version 1) Latias Design (Version 2) Leviathan Design Bee Design Casual Design (Version 1) Casual Design (Version 2) Gardevoir Design Gardevoir Design (Dress) Halloween (Mismagius) Design Halloween (Mismagius, With Dress) Mismagius Design (Color) Mismagius Design (Color with Dress) Dress Base Design CGA Design

Concept Art (2021-03-08)

The base concept art after previous failed attempts at making a character that fits me; I had tried ideas like based on obscure Nintendo stuff but in the end it just never felt right.

The next idea was to simply attempt a mashup of characters I liked... and this one spoke to me in a deeper level as soon as I drew it on Paint.


(2022-11-24) @MadelynHimegami

I commissioned a Puyo Puyo version artwork of Yakumono to Madelyn Himegami which I loved so much that it became pretty much the art that I use the most. Really the cutest art of Yakumono.

Her social links can be found here: